Through an intricate dealer network, the machines are sold in 37 countries worldwide. In major agricultural markets such as the US and France, dealers work together with local staff who provide technical support and after-sales service.

Based on farmers’ specific needs, Dewulf’s R&D team works continuously on technical improvements. Meanwhile, the in-house developed machine configurator and operating software are designed to increase the ease of use. What’s more, both the manufacturer and its customers will soon be able to monitor and adjust the performance of each machine via a cloud platform.

Picture of Group Sales & Marketing Manager Peter Muyssen and Marketeer Florin Decoster, Dewulf - nominee ‘Exporter of the Year 2023’

ID Dewulf

  • Location: Roeselare

  • Number of employees: 185 FTEs (Belgium)

  • Turnover (2022): € 87,430,316.03

  • Share of exports in turnover (2022): 85%

  • Share of non-EU countries in exports: 33%


Picture: Group Sales & Marketing Manager Peter Muyssen and Marketeer Florin Decoster, Dewulf 

Flanders International Business 2023 Awards